I am a strategist, creator, and data analyst.

I believe innovative marketing communications are empowered by data, revealed by strategic planning, and, ultimately, expressed with creativity.

Northwestern M.S. IMC (STEM) 
Specialization in Consumer Insights and Analytics and Brand Strategy

Courses that best represent my expertise include Marketing Models, Data Storytelling,
Social Commerce Strategy, Brand Management, and more.
Presenting to C-suite executives like Burger King's CMO,
I gained hands-on experience with global brands, as well as built competency
with data analytics skills using programs and c-language such as Tableau, R, and SQL.

Brand Management

Burger King Project 


- A project for a Burger King client, the class presented directly to the CMO, Yosef Hojchman.
- Led a team of 5 with the goal to enhance Burger King's cultural capital - which is especially crucial to fast food brands as their large consumer market relies on diverse colored ethnicities.
- Delivered a 16-months marketing campaign roadmap with a creative strategy, KPI, and media planning
- Conducted business analysis of the current BK's brand image with both primary research (surveys) and secondary market research
- CMO applaud and commented 'You guys may find this ad in a few months, I am genuinely impressed.

Customer Lifetime Value

Apple Watch 

