I am a strategist, creator, and data analyst.

I believe innovative marketing communications are empowered by data, revealed by strategic planning, and, ultimately, expressed with creativity.

aer Mask

Branding Campaign

What is an authentic brand message for a brand that flourished thanks to COVID?


Client: aer / Mask Brand
Project:Branding + Product Campaign
Project Scope: $5M


AER is a mask brand of a filter company called ‘CNTUS Sungjin’.

With the company’s exceptional technology, AER has launched in 2019 in response to severe air pollution in Korea.


The unexpected crisis of COVID19, of course, caused explosive demands of masks and grew AER as one of the most iconic brands in 2020.

However, the goal of the AER campaign was not focused on delivering their success nor leadership in the market.

Clients wanted to share their sincerity and authenticity towards their hopes to end this crisis.


They explicitly commented that the campaign should not look as if they are enjoying the situation to use it as a business tool.

The main copy of the campaign shows the intention: "We make good masks to welcome the world without masks."

Shinsegae Int’l


Rebranding Campaign

Why do Korean women bring small mirrors everywhere they go? 


Outperformed OKRs by 30%, and led the post-campaign total sales increase by 300 percent


JAJU is a lifestyle brand of Shinsegae International, one of the top fashion companies in Korea. Though their high-quality products and reasonable pricing, they attracted many young Korean consumers since 2014.


However, there was an unceasing critic that the brand is very similar to a Japanese lifestyle brand, MUJI.  JAJU, with its strong Japanese-like image, had to step outside of their comfort zone and make a change.

Insight / Action

As the lead project manager, I partnered with the Big Data Analysis team to deliver an authentic brand message targeting Korean millennial women.

The campaign introduced the new definition of 'health' to Korean Millenial women, who are known to have a high level of stress in order to stay 'healthy.'  The strict standards to 'what is beautiful and healthy' made women so ashamed of themselves and was constantly lowering the confidence.

To change such perceptions, we embraced and depicted diverse kinds of health. By constantly shouting "Mansae!" - a cheering word in Korean - women were encouraging both themselves and the others, ultimately making 'health' as one's own uniqueness.

English Copy
Square: 3000days / Menstruation Life / I want to / get along with her 
Main Copy: For you who wants to take care of your monthly health, from new JAJU

Apple & SK. Telecom

iPhone XS Localization 

“One of the most sucessful Apple HQ meetings in 2018”


Won agency pitch worth $1 million Production
$7 million Media


Apple and SK telecom were two of the most important and valuable clients for Innocean Worldwide. I was assigned as a lead account manager to deliver the agency pitch in 2018 at Apple’s HQ.


The goal of the campaign was to successfully advertise both the new iPhone and SKT's services to domestic targets in Korea, especially younger audiences. 

The main creative of the campaign was the iconic Apple ringtone and the dance.

By connecting the unique essence of the iPhone and the free spirit of dancing, the campaign projected a young, energetic, and fun image of SK Telecom to young targets.

This campaign achieved domestic success for SK Telecom - successfully adding new younger customers to their service.

Also, a comment from Apple, "one of the best-localized commercials of the year. "
Apple and SK telecom were two of the most important and valuable clients for Innocean Worldwide. I was assigned as a lead account manager to deliver the agency pitch in 2018 at Apple’s HQ.




- Apple Meeting -


ADA Brad Consulting

Leading the future of fashion 


Global brand re

cognition via global publishers (Vogue, Forbes)


Unmetreality, a virtual luxury fashion game, had planned to global launch its product in 2020.

As the main PM, I led the brand consulting partnered with Media, Creative, Legal, Tech, Data, and other internal and external partners.


Through 6-months of in-depth market research, my team and I have consulted the brand’s direction in leading the ambiguous but blue ocean, the virtual gaming industry.

My team and I found ADA special in that it was a virtual game specifically designed for luxury fashion brands and products. Anyone in the game could wear, try, and experience the highest premium products and even services through the virtual game environment.

Not only ADA successfully delivered benefits to luxury brands by estimating the demand for pre-seasonal products to brands, but it also provided opportunities for all consumers despite their financial status. Anyone interested in fashion could be part of this world, a world that was only limited to the 'upper class' in the real world.

Our team defined ADA as a democratized luxe, a Next Fashion OS that everybody will update to.

- Overall Brand Consulting -

Northwestern M.S. IMC (STEM) 
Specialization in Consumer Insights and Analytics and Brand Strategy

Courses that best represent my expertise include Marketing Models, Data Storytelling,
Social Commerce Strategy, Brand Management, and more.
Presenting to C-suite executives like Burger King's CMO,
I gained hands-on experience with global brands, as well as built competency
with data analytics skills using programs and c-language such as Tableau, R, and SQL.

Brand Management

Burger King Project 


- A project for a Burger King client, the class presented directly to the CMO, Yosef Hojchman.
- Led a team of 5 with the goal to enhance Burger King's cultural capital - which is especially crucial to fast food brands as their large consumer market relies on diverse colored ethnicities.
- Delivered a 16-months marketing campaign roadmap with a creative strategy, KPI, and media planning
- Conducted business analysis of the current BK's brand image with both primary research (surveys) and secondary market research
- CMO applaud and commented 'You guys may find this ad in a few months, I am genuinely impressed.

Customer Lifetime Value

Apple Watch 

